It is true that every lease is unique, but with JMI you are more than likely to sign a 3-yeard triple net lease (NNN). Of course, there are always exceptions. Every tenant is different, with different needs and goals. Generally, lessees will come to an agreement with us on their lease, the price per square foot, and their tenant improvement allowance (TI).
We like to tailor our terms to each tenant because we want them to be fair, and we also have our tenant's best business interests at heart. We take the time to vet our tenants, checking their credit, and looking at their business history before we enter into any contracts or negotiations. This is done both for the sake of our business and the new potential tenant. We are always looking out for our clients, and we do our due diligence!
That being said, every new tenant will receive a TI allowance, based on the terms of their contract and also the square footage needing the buildout. When we approve a tenant to move in we negotiate up front this amount with them so that they can confidently sign their part of the agreement. We know that the needs of tenants vary, and we take that into account. During this process we also give them a handbook that may answer other questions they have. By the signing of the lease, all parties have been well informed and have come to an agreement so that we can move our partnership forward confidently into the future!
We look forward to helping your business grow! Contact one of our brokers or asset managers today.